From the desk of Founder Chairman & Hon. Secretary

Dr Chetan Patel

Dr. Chetan N Patel

Founder Hon. Secretary & chairman IMA Vadodara BMWMC

It is indeed a matter of great collective pride for Team IMA Vadodara & IMA Vadodara BMWMC that IMA Vadodara is the first branch in entire India in providing Bio-medical waste disposal to its members.

We are aware of challenges that Bio-Medical Waste Management Cell has to face like

  • Need for constant reiteration (Strengthening)
  • Turnover of staff
  • Difficulty in door to door collection
  • Liaison with agency and pollution control board
  • Poor segregation at hospitals.

But at the same time, we hope, with team work we will able to provide the best services to its members.

It is well known and documented fact that Hospital waste is a potential hazard to the healthcare workers & society. Hence biomedical waste must be properly managed & disposed off to protect the environment, general public & workers especially health care and sanitation workers who are at risk of exposure to biomedical waste as an occupational hazard. Step in the management of biomedical waste include generation, accumulation, handling, storage, treatment, transport and disposal.

The Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) rules famed in July 1998 under the Environment Protection Act 1986 which were revised during time to time, latest being 2018. The law woks on a simple “the polluter pays principle”.

The responsibility of hospital administrator as regards to proper handling and disposal of Bio-Medical Waste had become a statutory requirement. The Central Pollution Controls Board and the State Pollution Control Board have the authority to cancel the Authorization of Health care units for non-compliance. It is therefore essential and we request all the officials concerned with the administration of hospitals/ health care units to take all steps to adhere the rules. It is equally important that all health care workers, paramedical staff and waste handlers be well oriented to the basic requirements of handling and management of biomedical waste.

According to WHO, nearly 85% of all waste generated by hospitals is general waste. Only 10% will be Bio-Medical waste. In India, average biomedical generated in tertiary care hospital is about 1.5kg/bed/day as against 2.8kg/bed/day from a similar sized hospital in USA.

Bio-Medical Waste means any waste which is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human beings, animals or research activities pertaining there to or in the production a testing of biological or in health camps. The Bio-Medical Waste Management rules are applicable to all persons who generate, collect, receive, stare, transport, treat, dispose or handle biomedical waste in any form.

Our aim is to have paperless office as far as possible. To have a website is a first step for this. With this the members can pay the bills online & they do not have to come to office. Our next step would be booking a timeslot for training.

Our office is providing following services to its members.

  • registration

    Online Registration

  • authorization

    Online Authorization

  • online_renewal

    Online Renewal

  • online_submission

    Online Submission of Annual Report

  • online_payment

    Online Payment of Bills

  • puncture_proof_containers

    Puncture proof Containers

  • training


  • color_coded_bar_coded_begs

    Color Coded & Bar-Coded begs

  • color_coded_bins

    Color Coded bins

  • hypochlorite_solution

    Hypochlorite Solution

  • needle_cutter_destroyer

    Needle Cutter & Destroyer

  • woks_as_nodal

    Woks as nodal agency between members, facility and authorities

The members are being informed time to time regarding the rules & regulation. An abstract book of the Bio-Medical Waste Disposal Rules & Procedures given by the Ministry of Environment & Forest, Government of India, was published in the year 1999 was first one amongst all. The scheme was so meticulously planned that as it stands to day is no different from the proposal on DAY ONE.

Our achievements speak for themselves. What we have to keep track of our failures, discouragement and doubts. IMA Vadodara BMWMC thanks Vadodara Municipal Corporation, Gujarat Pollution Control Board & other authorizes. We also thank the members of IMA Vadodara & other Health care units for the success of the project. The untiring efforts of our office staff in providing day-to-day service and those of Quantum Environment Engineers for regular collection of BMW from our member occupiers, needs a special mention.

It is our duty to keep our city clean & safe. I wish all the members will co-operate to achieve these.